[ Publications of year 2014 ]
Articles in journals or book chapters (6) |
Chris Hall,
Dongting Yu,
Zhi-li Zhang,
Jonathan Stout,
Andrew Odlyzko,
Andrew W Moore,
L. Jean Camp,
Kevin Benton,
and Ross Anderson.
Collaborating with the enemy on network management.
In Security Protocols XXII,
pages 154--162.
Springer International Publishing,
Keywords: Network Engineering. [bibtex-entry] - Terry Davis, Jon M Peha, Eric Burger, L. Jean Camp, and Dan Lubar. Risking it All: Unlocking the Backdoor to the Nation's Cybersecurity. Available at SSRN 2468604, 2014. [bibtex-entry]
Vaibhav Garg,
L. Jean Camp,
Lesa Lorenzen-Huber,
Kalpana Shankar,
and Kay Connelly.
Privacy concerns in assisted living technologies.
annals of telecommunications-annales des t?l?communications,
Keywords: Aging. [bibtex-entry] -
Hilda Hadan.
On the Application of Two-Dimensional Code in Television Production and Broadcasting.
International Broadband Network,
- Shrirang Mare, Jacob Sorber, Minho Shin, Cory Cornelius, and David Kotz. Hide-n-Sense: Preserving Privacy Efficiently in Wireless mHealth. Mobile Networks and Applications (MONET), 19(3), 2014. [bibtex-entry]
- Martina Angela Sasse, Charles C Palmer, Markus Jakobsson, Sunny Consolvo, Rick Wash, and L. Jean Camp. Helping you protect you. IEEE Security & Privacy, 12(1):39--42, 2014. [bibtex-entry]
Conference publications (5) |
Shrirang Mare,
Andr?s Molina-Markham,
Cory Cornelius,
Ronald Peterson,
and David Kotz.
ZEBRA: Zero-Effort Bilateral Recurring Authentication.
In Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (S{\&
May 2014.
Note: The project has been renamed SAW.
Keywords: referred. [bibtex-entry] -
Greg Norcie,
Jim Blythe,
Kelly Caine,
and L. Jean Camp.
Why Johnny Can’t Blow the Whistle: Identifying and Reducing Usability Issues in Anonymity Systems.
In Proceedings of the Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS) Workshop on Usable Security (USEC),
February 2014.
Keywords: Human-Centered Security. [bibtex-entry] - Berkay Aydin, Dustin Kempton, Vijay Akkineni, Shakthidhar Reddy Gopavaram, Karthik Ganesan Pillai, and Rafal Angryk. Spatiotemporal indexing techniques for efficiently mining spatiotemporal co-occurrence patterns. In 2014 IEEE international conference on big data (Big Data), pages 1--10, 2014. IEEE. [bibtex-entry]
Zheng Dong,
Kevin Kane,
and L. Jean Camp.
Phishing in Smooth Waters: The State of Banking Certificates in the US.
In 2014 TPRC Conference Paper,
Keywords: Phishing, E-Crime. [bibtex-entry] -
Vaibhav Garg,
Kevin Benton,
and L. Jean Camp.
The Privacy Paradox: A Facebook Case Study.
In 2014 Telecommunications Policy Research Conference (TPRC), Arlington VA,
Keywords: Mental Models, Human-Centered Security, Social Network Privacy, Aging. [bibtex-entry]
Internal reports (3) |
Shrirang Mare,
Andr?s Molina-Markham,
Cory Cornelius,
Ronald Peterson,
and David Kotz.
ZEBRA: Zero-Effort Bilateral Recurring Authentication (Companion report).
Technical report TR2014-748,
Dartmouth Computer Science,
May 2014.
Note: This project has been renamed SAW.
Keywords: techreport. [bibtex-entry] -
Cory Cornelius,
Zachary Marois,
Jacob Sorber,
Ron Peterson,
Shrirang Mare,
and David Kotz.
Vocal resonance as a biometric for pervasive wearable devices.
Technical report TR2014-747,
Dartmouth Computer Science,
February 2014.
Keywords: authentication, security, sensors, wearable. [bibtex-entry] - L. Jean Camp, Ross Anderson, Zhi-Lang Zhang, Chris Hall, Chris Small, Tim Kelley, and others. Hardening Software Defined Networks. Technical report, INDIANA UNIV AT BLOOMINGTON, 2014. [bibtex-entry]
Posters and Presentations (2) |
Jacob Abbott,
Violeta Moreno,
and L. Jean Camp.
Password Differences based on Language and Testing of Memory Recall.
Annual Computer Security Applications Conference, (New Oleans, LA),
December 2014.
Keywords: Passwords, Usability, User Study. [bibtex-entry] - Mart?n Abadi, Hal Abelson, Alessandro Acquisti, Mihir Bellare, Steven Bellovin, Matt Blaze, L. Jean Camp, and Ran Canetti. An open letter from US researchers in cryptography and information security, 2014. [bibtex-entry]
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Last modified: Mon Aug 19 14:38:55 2024
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