[ Publications of Zheng Dong ]
Articles in journals or book chapters (4) |
Zheng Dong,
Kevin Kane,
and L. Jean Camp.
Detection of Rogue Certificates from Trusted Certificate Authorities Using Deep Neural Networks.
ACM Transactions on Privacy and Security (TOPS),
September 2016.
Keywords: Network Engineering. [bibtex-entry] -
Zheng Dong,
Kevin Kane,
Siyu Chen,
and L. Jean Camp.
The New Wildcats: High-Risk Banking From Worst-Case Certificate Practices Online.
April 2016.
Keywords: E-Crime, Economics of Security. [bibtex-entry] -
Zheng Dong,
Apu Kapadia,
and L. Jean Camp.
Pinning & binning: Real time classification of certificates.
December 2013.
Keywords: Phishing, Network Engineering. [bibtex-entry] -
Zheng Dong and L. Jean Camp.
The decreasing marginal value of evaluation network size.
ACM SIGCAS Computers and Society,
Keywords: Mental Models, Economics of Security. [bibtex-entry]
Conference publications (5) |
Zheng Dong,
Apu Kapadia,
Jim Blythe,
and L. Jean Camp.
Beyond the lock icon: real-time detection of phishing websites using public key certificates.
In Electronic Crime Research (eCrime), 2015 APWG Symposium on,
pages 1--12,
May 2015.
Keywords: Phishing, E-Crime. [bibtex-entry] -
Zheng Dong,
Kevin Kane,
and L. Jean Camp.
Phishing in Smooth Waters: The State of Banking Certificates in the US.
In 2014 TPRC Conference Paper,
Keywords: Phishing, E-Crime. [bibtex-entry] -
Zheng Dong,
Vaibhav Garg,
L. Jean Camp,
and Apu Kapadia.
Pools, clubs and security: designing for a party not a person.
In Proceedings of the 2012 New Security Paradigms Workshop,
pages 77--86,
September 2012.
Keywords: Peer Production, Crowdsourcing of Security, Economics of Security. [bibtex-entry] -
Zheng Dong and L. Jean Camp.
Peersec: Towards peer production and crowdsourcing for enhanced security.
In The 7th USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Security (HotSec),
August 2012.
Keywords: Peer Production, Crowdsourcing of Security, Economics of Security. [bibtex-entry] -
Zheng Dong and L. Jean Camp.
Policy Proposal: Limit Address Allocation to Extend the Lifetime of IPv4 in the APNIC Region.
In Proceedings of the 2010 Workshop on Governance of Technology, Information and Policies,
GTIP '10,
New York, NY, USA,
pages 43--51,
Keywords: Economics of Security. [bibtex-entry]
Posters and Presentations (1) |
Siyu Chen,
Timothy Kelley,
Zheng Dong,
and L. Jean Camp.
The Effects of HeartBleed on Certificate Change: Meh.
ACSAC Poster Session (LA, CA),
December 2015.
Keywords: Network Engineering. [bibtex-entry]
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Last modified: Mon Aug 19 14:38:55 2024
Author: teamhats.
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