[ Internal reports ]
2015 (1) |
L. Jean Camp,
Tim Kelley,
and Prashanth Rajivan.
Measuring Computing and Security Expertise.
Technical report,
Technical Report,
2014 (3) |
Shrirang Mare,
Andr?s Molina-Markham,
Cory Cornelius,
Ronald Peterson,
and David Kotz.
ZEBRA: Zero-Effort Bilateral Recurring Authentication (Companion report).
Technical report TR2014-748,
Dartmouth Computer Science,
May 2014.
Note: This project has been renamed SAW.
Keywords: techreport. [bibtex-entry] -
Cory Cornelius,
Zachary Marois,
Jacob Sorber,
Ron Peterson,
Shrirang Mare,
and David Kotz.
Vocal resonance as a biometric for pervasive wearable devices.
Technical report TR2014-747,
Dartmouth Computer Science,
February 2014.
Keywords: authentication, security, sensors, wearable. [bibtex-entry] - L. Jean Camp, Ross Anderson, Zhi-Lang Zhang, Chris Hall, Chris Small, Tim Kelley, and others. Hardening Software Defined Networks. Technical report, INDIANA UNIV AT BLOOMINGTON, 2014. [bibtex-entry]
2011 (1) |
Shrirang Mare,
Jacob Sorber,
Minho Shin,
Cory Cornelius,
and David Kotz.
Hide-n-Sense: Privacy-aware secure mHealth sensing.
Technical report TR2011-702,
Dartmouth Computer Science,
September 2011.
Keywords: ignore, mhealth, privacy, security, wearable, wifi. [bibtex-entry]
1997 (1) |
- RC Armstrong, L. Jean Camp, DA Evensky, and AC Gentile. Lilith: A scalable secure tool for massively parallel distributed computing. Technical report, Sandia National Labs., Albuquerque, NM (United States), 1997. [bibtex-entry]
1996 (1) |
L. Jean Camp.
Anonymous atomic transactions.
Technical report,
DTIC Document,
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Last modified: Mon Aug 19 14:38:55 2024
Author: teamhats.
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