[ Publications of year 2019 ]

Articles in journals or book chapters (3)
  1. L. Jean Camp and Sanchari Das. Studies of 2FA, Why Johnny Can’t Use 2FA and How We Can Change That?. In . Springer US, March 2019.
    Keywords: 2FA, authentication, human factors, usability.
    @InCollection{ rsatwofactor,
    title = {Studies of 2FA, Why Johnny Can’t Use 2FA and How We Can Change That?},
    url = {https://www.rsaconference.com/events/us19/agenda/sessions/15934-Studies-of-2FA,-Why-Johhny-Can6.953149E-3102%99t-Use-2FA-and-How-We-Can-Change-That},
    author = {Camp, L. Jean and Das, Sanchari},
    journal = {RSA Symposium},
    month = {March},
    year = {2019},
    day = 5,
    keywords = {2FA, authentication, human factors, usability},
    publisher = {Springer US} }

  2. Hamid Mehmood, Tallal Ahmad, Lubna Razaq, Shrirang Mare, Maryem Zafar Usmani, Richard J. Anderson, and Agha Ali Raza. Towards Digitization of Collaborative Savings Among Low-Income Groups. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction (PACM HCI), 3(CSCW), November 2019.
    Keywords: referred.
    @Article{ mehmood19-rosca,
    author = {Hamid Mehmood and Tallal Ahmad and Lubna Razaq and Shrirang Mare and Maryem Zafar Usmani and Richard J. Anderson and Agha Ali Raza},
    doi = {10.1145/3274304},
    entrysubtype = {None},
    journal = pacmhci,
    keywords = {referred},
    _month = nov,
    number = {{CSCW}},
    numpages = {30},
    title = {Towards Digitization of Collaborative Savings Among Low-Income Groups},
    volume = {3},
    year = {2019} }

  3. Shakthidhar Reddy Gopavaram, Jayati Dev, Sanchari Das, and Jean Camp. IoTMarketplace: Informing Purchase Decisions with Risk Communication. 2019.
    Keywords: IoT, Mental Models, Mobile Privacy.
    @Article{ gopavaram2019iotmarketplace,
    title = {IoTMarketplace: Informing Purchase Decisions with Risk Communication},
    author = {Gopavaram, Shakthidhar Reddy and Dev, Jayati and Das, Sanchari and Camp, Jean},
    year = {2019},
    keywords = {IoT, Mental Models, Mobile Privacy} }

Conference publications (16)
  1. Sanchari Das, Andrew Kim, Shrirang Mare, Joshua Streiff, and L. Jean Camp. Security Mandates are Pervasive: An Inter-School Study on Analyzing User Authentication Behavior. In Proceedings of the IEEE Humans and Cyber Security Workshop, December 2019.
    Keywords: referred.
    @InProceedings{ das19-mandates,
    author = {Sanchari Das and Andrew Kim and Shrirang Mare and Joshua Streiff and L. Jean Camp},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE Humans and Cyber Security Workshop},
    entrysubtype = {workshop},
    keywords = {referred},
    month = dec,
    title = {Security Mandates are Pervasive: An Inter-School Study on Analyzing User Authentication Behavior},
    year = {2019},
    url = {https://www.shrirangmare.com/papers/das2019-mandates.pdf} }

  2. Vafa Andalibi, DongInn Kim, and L. Jean Camp. Throwing MUD into the FOG: Defending IoT and Fog by expanding MUD to Fog network. In 2nd USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Edge Computing (HotEdge 19), Renton, WA, July 2019. USENIX Association.
    Keywords: MUD, IoT.
    @InProceedings{ 234809,
    author = {Vafa Andalibi and DongInn Kim and L. Jean Camp},
    title = {Throwing {MUD} into the {FOG}: Defending IoT and Fog by expanding {MUD} to Fog network},
    booktitle = {2nd {USENIX} Workshop on Hot Topics in Edge Computing (HotEdge 19)},
    year = {2019},
    address = {Renton, WA},
    url = {https://www.usenix.org/conference/hotedge19/presentation/andalibi},
    publisher = {{USENIX} Association},
    keywords = "MUD, IoT",
    month = jul }

  3. Hilda Hadan, Nicolas Serrano, Sanchari Das, and L. Jean Camp. Making IoT Worthy of Human Trust. In Social Science Research Network, 07 2019.
    Keywords: PKI.
    @InProceedings{ hhadan2019pki_iot,
    title = {Making IoT Worthy of Human Trust},
    author = {Hilda Hadan and Nicolas Serrano and Sanchari Das and L. Jean Camp},
    booktitle = {Social Science Research Network},
    year = {2019},
    month = {07},
    keywords = {PKI},
    url = {https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3426871} }

  4. Fahad Pervaiz, Rai Shah Nawaz, Muhammad Umer Ramzan, Maryem Zafar Usmani, Shrirang Mare, Kurtis Heimerl, Faisal Kamiran, Richard J. Anderson, and Lubna Razaq. An Assessment of SMS Fraud in Pakistan. In Proceedings of the ACM SIGCAS Conference on Computing and Sustainable Societies (COMPASS), July 2019.
    Keywords: referred.
    @InProceedings{ pervaiz19-sms-fraud,
    author = {Fahad Pervaiz and Rai Shah Nawaz and Muhammad Umer Ramzan and Maryem Zafar Usmani and Shrirang Mare and Kurtis Heimerl and Faisal Kamiran and Richard J. Anderson and Lubna Razaq},
    booktitle = compass,
    doi = {10.1145/3314344.3332500},
    entrysubtype = {None},
    keywords = {referred},
    month = jul,
    numpages = {11},
    title = {An Assessment of {SMS} Fraud in {P}akistan},
    year = {2019} }

  5. Aditya Vashistha, Richard J. Anderson, and Shrirang Mare. Examining the Use and Non-Use of Mobile Payment Systems for Merchant Payments in India. In Proceedings of the ACM SIGCAS Conference on Computing and Sustainable Societies (COMPASS), July 2019.
    Keywords: referred.
    @InProceedings{ vashistha19-mps,
    author = {Aditya Vashistha and Richard J. Anderson and Shrirang Mare},
    booktitle = compass,
    doi = {10.1145/3314344.3332499},
    entrysubtype = {None},
    keywords = {referred},
    month = jul,
    numpages = {12},
    title = {Examining the Use and Non-Use of Mobile Payment Systems for Merchant Payments in {I}ndia},
    year = {2019} }

  6. Jonathan Schubauer, Anjanette Raymond, and Dhruv Madappa. Over-Priviliged Permission: Using Technology and Design to Create Privacy Compliance. In , June 2019. IACL.
    Keywords: Mobile Privacy, Governance, Privacy.
    @InProceedings{ 2019jschubau,
    title = {Over-Priviliged Permission: Using Technology and Design to Create Privacy Compliance},
    author = {Schubauer, Jonathan and Raymond, Anjanette and Madappa, Dhruv},
    howpublished = {IACL17: Research Conference on Innovation and the Transformation of Consumer Law},
    year = {2019},
    month = {June},
    organization = {IACL},
    keywords = {Mobile Privacy, Governance, Privacy} }

  7. Shrirang Mare, Logan Girvin, Franziska Roesner, and Tadayoshi Kohno. Consumer Smart Homes: Where We Are and Where We Need to Go. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications (HotMobile), February 2019.
    Keywords: referred.
    @InProceedings{ mare19-smart-home,
    author = {Shrirang Mare and Logan Girvin and Franziska Roesner and Tadayoshi Kohno},
    booktitle = hotmobile,
    doi = {10.1145/3301293.3302371},
    entrysubtype = {workshop},
    keywords = {referred},
    month = feb,
    numpages = {6},
    title = {Consumer Smart Homes: Where We Are and Where We Need to Go},
    year = {2019} }

  8. Shrirang Mare, Reza Rawassizadeh, Ronald Peterson, and David Kotz. Continuous Smartphone Authentication using Wristbands. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Usable Security and Privacy (USEC), February 2019.
    Keywords: workshop.
    @InProceedings{ mare19-csaw,
    author = {Shrirang Mare and Reza Rawassizadeh and Ronald Peterson and David Kotz},
    booktitle = usec,
    doi = {10.14722/usec.2019.23013},
    entrysubtype = {workshop},
    keywords = {workshop},
    month = feb,
    title = {Continuous Smartphone Authentication using Wristbands},
    year = 2019 }

  9. Jacob Abbott, Gege Gao, and Patrick Shih. Creen: A Carbon Footprint Calculator Designed for Calculation in Context. In International Conference on Information, pages 769--776, 2019. Springer.
    Keywords: Sustainability, IoT, HCI.
    @InProceedings{ abbott2019creen,
    title = {Creen: A Carbon Footprint Calculator Designed for Calculation in Context},
    author = {Abbott, Jacob and Gao, Gege and Shih, Patrick},
    booktitle = {International Conference on Information},
    pages = {769--776},
    year = {2019},
    organization = {Springer},
    keywords = {Sustainability, IoT, HCI} }

  10. Jacob Abbott, Novia Nurain Haley MacLeod, Gustave Ekobe, and Sameer Patil. Local Standards for Anonymization Practices in Health, Wellness, Accessibility, and Aging Research at CHI. In Proceedings of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2019. ACM.
    Keywords: Health, Privacy, Anonymization.
    @InProceedings{ abbott2019local,
    title = {Local Standards for Anonymization Practices in Health, Wellness, Accessibility, and Aging Research at CHI},
    author = {Abbott, Jacob and Haley MacLeod, Novia Nurain and Ekobe, Gustave and Patil, Sameer},
    year = {2019},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems},
    keywords = {Health, Privacy, Anonymization},
    organization = {ACM} }

  11. Sanchari Das, Andrew Kim, Shrirang Mare, Joshua Streiff, and L Jean Camp. Security Mandates are Pervasive: An Inter-School Study on Analyzing User Authentication Behavior. In IEEE HUMANS AND CYBER SECURITY WORKSHOP (HACS 2019), 2019. IEEE.
    Keywords: 2FA.
    @InProceedings{ streiff2019security,
    title = {Security Mandates are Pervasive: An Inter-School Study on Analyzing User Authentication Behavior},
    author = {Das, Sanchari and Kim, Andrew and Mare, Shrirang and Streiff, Joshua and Camp, L Jean},
    year = {2019},
    keywords = {2FA},
    organization = {IEEE} }

  12. Sanchari Das, Joshua Streiff, Lisa Huber, and L Jean Camp. WHY DON'T ELDERS ADOPT TWO-FACTOR AUTHENTICATION? BECAUSE THEY ARE EXCLUDED BY DESIGN. In Innovation in Aging, Volume 3, Issue Supplement_1, November 2019, pages S325–S326, 2019. GOA.
    Keywords: 2FA.
    @InProceedings{ streiff2019why,
    author = {Das, Sanchari and Streiff, Joshua and Huber, Lisa, and Camp, L Jean},
    booktitle = {Innovation in Aging, Volume 3, Issue Supplement\_1, November 2019},
    pages = {S325–S326},
    year = {2019},
    keywords = {2FA},
    organization = {GOA} }

  13. Nicolas Serrano, Hilda Hadan, and L. Jean Camp. A Complete Study of P.K.I. (PKI’s Known Incidents). In The 47th Research Conference on Communications, Information, and Internet Policy, 2019. TPRC.
    Keywords: PKI.
    @InProceedings{ serrano2019pkistudy,
    author = {Serrano, Nicolas and Hadan, Hilda and Camp, L. Jean},
    title = {A Complete Study of P.K.I. (PKI’s Known Incidents)},
    year = {2019},
    booktitle = {The 47th Research Conference on Communications, Information, and Internet Policy},
    organization = {TPRC},
    keywords = {PKI},
    url = {https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3425554} }

  14. Kushal Shah, Shrirang Mare, and Richard J. Anderson. Understanding Mobile Money Grievances from Tweets. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies and Development (ICTD), January 2019.
    Keywords: poster.
    @InProceedings{ shah19-tweets,
    author = {Kushal Shah and Shrirang Mare and Richard J. Anderson},
    booktitle = ictd,
    doi = {10.1145/3287098.3287123},
    entrysubtype = {poster},
    keywords = {poster},
    month = jan,
    title = {Understanding Mobile Money Grievances from {T}weets},
    year = 2019 }

  15. Joshua Streiff, Sanchari Das, and Joshua Cannon. Overpowered and Underprotected Toys Empowering Parents with Tools to Protect Their Children. In IEEE HUMANS AND CYBER SECURITY WORKSHOP (HACS 2019), 2019. IEEE.
    Keywords: IoT.
    @InProceedings{ streiff2019overpowered,
    title = {Overpowered and Underprotected Toys Empowering Parents with Tools to Protect Their Children},
    author = {Streiff, Joshua and Das, Sanchari and Cannon, Joshua},
    year = {2019},
    keywords = {IoT},
    organization = {IEEE} }

  16. Joshua Streiff, Connie Justice, and L Jean Camp. Escaping to Cybersecurity Education: Using Manipulative Challenges to Engage and Educate. In Proceedings of the 13th European Conference on Games Based Learning, pages 1046--1050, 2019. ACPI.
    Keywords: IoT.
    @InProceedings{ streiff2019escaping,
    title = {Escaping to Cybersecurity Education: Using Manipulative Challenges to Engage and Educate},
    author = {Streiff, Joshua and Justice, Connie and Camp, L Jean},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the 13th European Conference on Games Based Learning},
    pages = {1046--1050},
    year = {2019},
    keywords = {IoT},
    organization = {ACPI} }

Posters and Presentations (12)
  1. Laura Calloway. Corporate Infrastructural Expansion as Big Data Surveillance. Presentation at Annual Meeting of Society For Social Studies Of Science (4S, 2019), New Orleans, Louisiana, September 2019.
    Keywords: privacy, policies, governance, surveillance.
    @Misc{ lcallowa20194s,
    author = {Laura Calloway},
    title = {Corporate Infrastructural Expansion as Big Data Surveillance},
    howpublished = {Presentation at Annual Meeting of Society For Social Studies Of Science (4S, 2019), New Orleans, Louisiana},
    url = {https://www.4s2019.org},
    month = {September},
    year = {2019},
    keywords = "privacy, policies, governance, surveillance" }

  2. Joshua Streiff. Practical Cybersecurity and Manipulative Gaming Education. A Flipping the Switch! Cybersecurity Workshop Session at Indiana Department of Education Workshop, September 2019.
    Keywords: IoT.
    @Misc{ streiff2019switch,
    title = "Practical Cybersecurity and Manipulative Gaming Education",
    author = {Streiff, Joshua},
    keywords = {IoT},
    year = {2019},
    month = {September},
    howpublished = {A Flipping the Switch! Cybersecurity Workshop Session at Indiana Department of Education Workshop} }

  3. Joshua Streiff, Vafa Andalibi, and Sanchari Das. Eyes In Your Child’s Bedroom: Exploiting Child Data Risks with Smart Toys. A Bsides MSP Workshop, September 2019.
    Keywords: IoT.
    @Misc{ streiff2019msp,
    title = "Eyes In Your Child’s Bedroom: Exploiting Child Data Risks with Smart Toys",
    author = {Streiff, Joshua and Andalibi, Vafa and Das, Sanchari},
    keywords = {IoT},
    year = {2019},
    month = {September},
    howpublished = {A Bsides MSP Workshop} }

  4. Joshua Streiff, Vafa Andalibi, and Sanchari Das. Securtle: The Security Turtle. A Bsides STL Workshop, September 2019.
    Keywords: IoT.
    @Misc{ streiff2019stl,
    title = "Securtle: The Security Turtle",
    author = {Streiff, Joshua and Andalibi, Vafa and Das, Sanchari},
    keywords = {IoT},
    year = {2019},
    month = {September},
    howpublished = {A Bsides STL Workshop} }

  5. Joshua Streiff. Bears, Unicorns, & Crockpots, Oh My! An Introduction to Internet of Things (IoT) Threat Modeling Education. An AI & Connected Conference Workshop, September 2019.
    Keywords: IoT.
    @Misc{ streiff2019ai,
    title = "Bears, Unicorns, & Crockpots, Oh My! An Introduction to Internet of Things (IoT) Threat Modeling Education",
    author = {Streiff, Joshua},
    keywords = {IoT},
    year = {2019},
    month = {September},
    howpublished = {An AI & Connected Conference Workshop} }

  6. Joshua Streiff. Cybersecurity & You. A Brown Co. Schools Speaker Series, September 2019.
    Keywords: K12.
    @Misc{ streiff2019brownco,
    title = "Cybersecurity & You",
    author = {Streiff, Joshua},
    keywords = {K12},
    year = {2019},
    month = {September},
    howpublished = {A Brown Co. Schools Speaker Series} }

  7. Joshua Streiff. Educational Hacking Using Command Line & Bluetooth Low Energy. An Avon STEM Educator Leadership Day Workshop, September 2019.
    Keywords: IoT.
    @Misc{ streiff2019avon,
    title = "Educational Hacking Using Command Line & Bluetooth Low Energy",
    author = {Streiff, Joshua},
    keywords = {IoT},
    year = {2019},
    month = {September},
    howpublished = {An Avon STEM Educator Leadership Day Workshop} }

  8. Niang Chin, Joshua Streiff, and Sameer Patil. The Overly Friendly Crockpot. Trusted CI Poster Session (IL), July 2019.
    Keywords: IoT.
    @Misc{ chin2019_poster,
    title = "The Overly Friendly Crockpot",
    author = {Chin, Niang and Streiff, Joshua and Patil, Sameer},
    howpublished = {Trusted CI Poster Session (IL)},
    month = {July},
    year = {2019},
    keywords = {IoT} }

  9. Nathaly Reynaga, Behnod Momensadeh, Joshua Streiff, and Sameer Patil. The One Where Patty Trusted Her Printer: The Threat of IoT Printers. IU GROUPS STEM Poster (IN), July 2019.
    Keywords: IoT.
    @Misc{ reynaga2019_poster,
    title = "The One Where Patty Trusted Her Printer: The Threat of IoT Printers",
    author = {Reynaga, Nathaly and Momensadeh, Behnod and Streiff, Joshua and Patil, Sameer},
    howpublished = {IU GROUPS STEM Poster (IN)},
    month = {July},
    year = {2019},
    keywords = {IoT} }

  10. Joshua Streiff. Capturing Education: CTF and IoT in K-12 Education. A Luddy Hall Pathfinders Workshop, July 2019.
    Keywords: IoT.
    @Misc{ streiff2019pathfinders,
    title = "Capturing Education: CTF and IoT in K-12 Education",
    author = {Streiff, Joshua},
    keywords = {IoT},
    year = {2019},
    month = {July},
    howpublished = {A Luddy Hall Pathfinders Workshop} }

  11. Jeremy Gummeson, Mary Baker, Animesh Srivastava, and Shrirang Mare. Controlling devices based on collocation of the devices on a user. U.S. Patent 10,331,916, June 2019.
    Keywords: authentication, mhealth, patent, security, sensors, wearable.
    @Misc{ gummeson:patent10331916,
    author = {Jeremy Gummeson and Mary Baker and Animesh Srivastava and Shrirang Mare},
    entrysubtype = {patent},
    howpublished = {U.S. Patent 10,331,916},
    keywords = {authentication, mhealth, patent, security, sensors, wearable},
    month = {June},
    title = {Controlling devices based on collocation of the devices on a user},
    url = {https://patents.google.com/patent/US10331916B2/en},
    year = {2019} }

  12. DongInn Kim and L Jean Camp. Block-Pi: Defending against Man In The Middle (MITM) Attacks at the Edge. Society for Risk Analysis, SRA 2019, Buffalo NY, June 2019.
    Keywords: Phishing.
    @Misc{ dikim19:block_pi_post,
    author = {DongInn Kim and L Jean Camp},
    title = {Block-Pi: Defending against Man In The Middle (MITM) Attacks at the Edge},
    howpublished = {Society for Risk Analysis, SRA 2019, Buffalo NY},
    url = {http://www.usablesecurity.net/projects/Phishing/papers/BlockPi_TTP.pptx},
    month = {June},
    year = 2019,
    keywords = "Phishing",
    institution = {Nationl Science Foundation} }



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Last modified: Mon Aug 19 14:38:55 2024
Author: teamhats.

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