[ Publications of year 2009 ]
Articles in journals or book chapters (5) |
Debin Liu,
XiaoFeng Wang,
and L. Jean Camp.
Mitigating inadvertent insider threats with incentives.
Financial Cryptography and Data Security,
pp 1--16,
February 2009.
Keywords: E-Crime. [bibtex-entry] - Farzaneh Asgharpour, Alex Tsow, Preeti Hariharan, and L. Jean Camp. A Usability Study on the Net Trust Anti-Fraud Toolbar. 2009. [bibtex-entry]
- L. Jean Camp. Power and Security in the Information Age. Routledge, 2009. [bibtex-entry]
L. Jean Camp.
Mental models of privacy and security.
Technology and Society Magazine, IEEE,
Keywords: Human-Centered Security, Mental Models. [bibtex-entry] -
Camilo Viecco and L. Jean Camp.
A risk based approach to limit the effects of covert channels for internet sensor data aggregators for sensor privacy.
Trust Management III,
pp 234--251,
Note: Springer. [bibtex-entry]
Conference publications (3) |
L. Jean Camp.
Design for trust in ambient and ubiquitous computing.
In International Conference on Autonomic and Trusted Computing,
pages 1--1,
Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
L. Jean Camp.
Hardening the Network from the Friend Within.
In Information Security and Privacy,
pages 249--249,
Keywords: Insider Threat. [bibtex-entry] - John Duncan, L. Jean Camp, and William R Hazelwood. The portal monitor: a privacy-enhanced event-driven system for elder care. In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Persuasive Technology, pages 36, 2009. ACM. [bibtex-entry]
Posters and Presentations (2) |
L. Jean Camp,
Lorrie Cranor,
Nick Feamster,
Joan Feigenbaum,
Stephanie Forrest,
Dave Kotz,
Wenke Lee,
Patrick Lincoln,
Vern Paxson,
Mike Reiter,
and others.
Data for cybersecurity research: Process and wish list.
Academic Press,
L. Jean Camp,
Rui Wang,
and Xiaoyong Zhou.
Policy proposal: Limit the address allocation to extend the lifetime of ipv4.
Keywords: Network Engineering. [bibtex-entry]
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Last modified: Mon Aug 19 14:38:55 2024
Author: teamhats.
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