[ Publications of year 2007 ]

Articles in journals or book chapters (9)
  1. Kay Connelly and L. Jean Camp. Beyond Consent: Privacy in Ubiquitous Computing (Ubicomp). In Digital Privacy: Theory, Technologies and Practices eds, pages 332--348. Auerbach Publications, 2007.
    Keywords: Aging, Human-Centered Computing, user studies, Privacy, IoT.
    @InCollection{ connelly2007beyond,
    title = {Beyond Consent: Privacy in Ubiquitous Computing (Ubicomp)},
    url = {http://www.cs.indiana.edu/~connelly/Papers/B1_BeyondConsentChapter.pdf},
    author = {Connelly, Kay and Camp, L. Jean},
    booktitle = {Digital Privacy: Theory, Technologies and Practices eds},
    pages = {332--348},
    year = {2007},
    keywords = {Aging, Human-Centered Computing, user studies, Privacy, IoT},
    publisher = {Auerbach Publications} }

  2. Sabrina De Capitani di Vimercati, Stefanos Gritzalis, Costas Lambrinoudakis, Alessandro Acquisti, L. Jean Camp, and Kay Connelly. Beyond Consent: Systematic Design for Privacy in Ubicomp. In Digital Privacy: Theory, Technologies, and Practices, pages 327--343. Auerbach Publications, 2007.
    Keywords: Aging.
    @InCollection{ vimercati2007beyond,
    title = {Beyond Consent: Systematic Design for Privacy in Ubicomp},
    url = {http://www.cs.indiana.edu/~connelly/Papers/B1_BeyondConsentChapter.pdf},
    author = {Vimercati, Sabrina De Capitani di and Gritzalis, Stefanos and Lambrinoudakis, Costas and Acquisti, Alessandro and Camp, L. Jean and Connelly, Kay},
    booktitle = {Digital Privacy: Theory, Technologies, and Practices},
    pages = {327--343},
    year = {2007},
    keywords = "Aging",
    publisher = {Auerbach Publications} }

  3. Farzeneh Asgapour, Debin Liu, and L. Jean Camp. Mental Models of Computer Security Risks. Financial Cryptography and Data Security Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4886:367--377, 2007.
    Note: Usable Security 07.
    Keywords: Mental Models, Human-Centered Security, Economics of Security.
    @Article{ jean2007mental,
    title = {Mental Models of Computer Security Risks},
    author = {Farzeneh Asgapour and Debin Liu and Camp, L. Jean},
    note = {Usable Security 07},
    volume = {4886},
    keywords = "Mental Models, Human-Centered Security, Economics of Security",
    year = {2007},
    pages = {367--377},
    journal = {Financial Cryptography and Data Security Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
    url = {http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=} }

  4. Farzaneh Asgharpour, Debin Liu, and L. Jean Camp. Mental models of security risks. Financial Cryptography and Data Security, pp 367--377, 2007.
    Note: Springer.
    @Article{ asgharpour2007mental,
    title = {Mental models of security risks},
    url = {http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=922735},
    author = {Asgharpour, Farzaneh and Liu, Debin and Camp, L. Jean},
    journal = {Financial Cryptography and Data Security},
    pages = {367--377},
    year = {2007},
    note = {Springer} }

  5. L. Jean Camp. Reliable, Usable Signaling to Defeat Masquerade Attacks. ISJLP, 3:211, 2007.
    Note: HeinOnline.
    Keywords: Economics of Security.
    @Article{ camp2007reliable,
    title = {Reliable, Usable Signaling to Defeat Masquerade Attacks},
    author = {Camp, L. Jean},
    journal = {ISJLP},
    volume = {3},
    pages = {211},
    year = {2007},
    keywords = {Economics of Security},
    note = {HeinOnline} }

  6. L. Jean Camp. Security and Usability [Guest Editor's Introduction]. Technology and Society Magazine, IEEE, 26(1):3--24, 2007.
    @Article{ camp2007security,
    title = {Security and Usability [Guest Editor's Introduction]},
    url = {http://www.ljean.com/files/WWW06camp.pdf},
    author = {Camp, L. Jean},
    journal = {Technology and Society Magazine, IEEE},
    volume = {26},
    number = {1},
    pages = {3--24},
    year = {2007},
    publisher = {IEEE} }

  7. L. Jean Camp, Farzaneh Asgharpour, Debin Liu, and IN Bloomington. Experimental evaluations of expert and non-expert computer users’ mental models of security risks. Proceedings of WEIS 2007, 2007.
    @Article{ camp2007experimental,
    title = {Experimental evaluations of expert and non-expert computer users’ mental models of security risks},
    author = {Camp, L. Jean and Asgharpour, Farzaneh and Liu, Debin and Bloomington, IN},
    journal = {Proceedings of WEIS 2007},
    year = {2007} }

  8. Alla Genkina and L. Jean Camp. Social networks. Phishing and countermeasures: Understanding the increasing problem of electronic identity theft, M. Jakobsson and S. Myers, Eds. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons, pp 523--550, 2007.
    Note: Wiley Online Library.
    Keywords: Phishing.
    @Article{ genkina2007social,
    title = {Social networks},
    url = {http://www.ljean.com/files/SocialNetworkSecurityExport.pdf},
    author = {Genkina, Alla and Camp, L. Jean},
    journal = {Phishing and countermeasures: Understanding the increasing problem of electronic identity theft, M. Jakobsson and S. Myers, Eds. Hoboken: John Wiley \& Sons},
    pages = {523--550},
    year = {2007},
    keywords = "Phishing",
    note = {Wiley Online Library} }

  9. Alex Tsow, Camilo Viecco, and L. Jean Camp. Privacy-aware architecture for sharing web histories. IBM Systems Journal, 3:5--13, 2007.
    Keywords: Economics of Security.
    @Article{ tsow2007privacy,
    title = {Privacy-aware architecture for sharing web histories},
    url = {http://ljean.com/files/IBMsysJ.pdf},
    author = {Tsow, Alex and Viecco, Camilo and Camp, L. Jean},
    journal = {IBM Systems Journal},
    volume = {3},
    pages = {5--13},
    keywords = {Economics of Security},
    year = {2007} }

Conference publications (1)
  1. Preeti Hariharan, Farzaneh Asgharpour, and L. Jean Camp. Nettrust—recommendation system for embedding trust in a virtual realm. In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Recommender Systems, 2007. Citeseer.
    @InProceedings{ hariharan2007nettrust,
    title = {Nettrust—recommendation system for embedding trust in a virtual realm},
    author = {Hariharan, Preeti and Asgharpour, Farzaneh and Camp, L. Jean},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Recommender Systems},
    year = {2007},
    organization = {Citeseer} }

Posters and Presentations (2)
  1. DongInn Kim. OSCAR 5.1 on PlayStation 3. Presentation at Super Computing Conference (SC 2007), Reno, Nevada, October 2007.
    Keywords: OSCAR, high performance computing, cluster.
    @Misc{ dikim08:oscar_presentation,
    author = {DongInn Kim},
    title = {OSCAR 5.1 on PlayStation 3},
    howpublished = {Presentation at Super Computing Conference (SC 2007), Reno, Nevada},
    url = {http://sc07.supercomputing.org/},
    month = {October},
    year = 2007,
    keywords = "OSCAR, high performance computing, cluster",
    institution = {Lilly Endowment} }

  2. L. Jean Camp. Economics of identity theft: Avoidance, causes and possible cures. Springer, 2007.
    @Misc{ camp2007economics,
    title = {Economics of identity theft: Avoidance, causes and possible cures},
    author = {Camp, L. Jean},
    year = {2007},
    howpublished = {Springer} }



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