[ Publications of year 2001 ]

Articles in journals or book chapters (4)
  1. L. Jean Camp. The Shape of the Network. August 2001.
    Keywords: Design for Trust, Internet Governance, Gender Online.
    @Article{ campshape,
    title = {The Shape of the Network},
    url = {http://www.ljean.com/files/NetworkShape.pdf},
    author = {Camp, L. Jean},
    keywords = "Design for Trust, Internet Governance, Gender Online",
    month = {August},
    year = {2001} }

  2. L. Jean Camp. An atomicity-generating protocol for anonymous currencies. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 27(3):272--278, March 2001.
    Keywords: Network Engineering, Privacy.
    @Article{ camp2001atomicity,
    title = {An atomicity-generating protocol for anonymous currencies},
    url = {http://www.ljean.com/files/ACDasSent.pdf},
    author = {Camp, L. Jean},
    journal = {IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering},
    volume = {27},
    number = {3},
    pages = {272--278},
    month = {March},
    year = {2001},
    keywords = "Network Engineering, Privacy",
    publisher = {IEEE} }

  3. L. Jean Camp and Brian L Anderson. Deregulating the local loop: the telecommunications regulation path less chosen as taken by Bangladesh. International Journal of Technology, Policy and Management, 1(1):100--114, 2001.
    Keywords: Internet Governance.
    @Article{ camp2001deregulating,
    title = {Deregulating the local loop: the telecommunications regulation path less chosen as taken by Bangladesh},
    author = {Camp, L. Jean and Anderson, Brian L},
    journal = {International Journal of Technology, Policy and Management},
    volume = {1},
    number = {1},
    pages = {100--114},
    year = {2001},
    keywords = {Internet Governance},
    publisher = {Inderscience} }

  4. L. Jean Camp and Serena Syme. Code as Embedded Speech, Machine, and Service. Journal of Information, Law and Technology, 2001(2), 2001.
    Keywords: Internet Governance.
    @Article{ camp2001code,
    title = {Code as Embedded Speech, Machine, and Service},
    url = {http://www.ljean.com/files/JILT.pdf},
    author = {Camp, L. Jean and Syme, Serena},
    journal = {Journal of Information, Law and Technology},
    volume = {2001},
    number = {2},
    keywords = {Internet Governance},
    year = {2001} }

Conference publications (2)
  1. L. Jean Camp, Helen Nissenbaum, and Cathleen McGrath. Trust: A collision of paradigms. In International Conference on Financial Cryptography, pages 91--105, October 2001. Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
    Keywords: Design for Trust, Human-Centered Security, PKI.
    @InProceedings{ camp2001trust,
    title = {Trust: A collision of paradigms},
    url = {http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=262179},
    author = {Camp, L. Jean and Nissenbaum, Helen and McGrath, Cathleen},
    booktitle = {International Conference on Financial Cryptography},
    pages = {91--105},
    month = {October},
    year = {2001},
    keywords = "Design for Trust, Human-Centered Security, PKI",
    organization = {Springer Berlin Heidelberg} }

  2. L. Jean Camp and Carolyn Gideon. Limits To Certainty in QoS Pricing and Bandwidth. In w: Proc. of the 29th Research Conference on Communication, Information and Internet Policy, 2001.
    @InProceedings{ camp2001limits,
    title = {Limits To Certainty in QoS Pricing and Bandwidth},
    author = {Camp, L. Jean and Gideon, Carolyn},
    booktitle = {w: Proc. of the 29th Research Conference on Communication, Information and Internet Policy},
    year = {2001} }

Posters and Presentations (1)
  1. L. Jean Camp and Marvin Sirbu. Method for certifying delivery of secure electronic transactions, 1) 2001.
    Note: US Patent 6,317,729.
    Keywords: Network Engineering.
    @Misc{ camp2001method,
    title = {Method for certifying delivery of secure electronic transactions},
    author = {Camp, L. Jean and Sirbu, Marvin},
    year = {2001},
    month = {1)},
    keywords = {Network Engineering},
    note = {US Patent 6,317,729} }



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