"I didn't click": What users say when reporting phishing
N. Pilavakis, A. Jenkins, N. Kokciyan, K. Vaniea

Investigating User Behaviour Towards Fake News on Social Media Using Gaze and Mouse Movements
Y. Abrabou, E. Karypidou, F. Alt, M. Hassib

BANS: Evaluation of Bystander Awareness Notification Systems for Productivity in VR
S. Mansour, P. Knierim, J. O'Hagan, F. Alt, F. Mathis

User Attitudes Towards Controls for Ad Interests Estimated On-device by the Browser
F. Lachner, M.Y. C. Cheng, T. Olsauskas-Warren

Power to the Data Defenders: Human-Centered Disclosure Risk Calibration of Open Data
K. Bhattacharjee, A. Dasgupta

The Walls Have Ears: Gauging Security Awareness in a Home Workspace
G. Jayakrishnan, V. Banahatti, S. Lodha

A Transcontinental Analysis of Account Remediation Protocols of Popular Websites
P. Markert, A. Adhikari, S. Das

Automatic Retrieval of Privacy Factors from IoMT Policies: ML and Custom NER Approach
N. Bookert, M. Anwar

Kids, Cats, and Control: Designing Privacy and Security Dashboard for IoT Home Devices
J. Abbott, J. Dev, D. Kim, S. Gopavaram, M. Iyer, S. Sadam, S. Mare, V. Andalibi, L. J. Camp

Security Awareness Training through Experiencing the Adversarial Mindset
J. C. Dalgaard, N. A. Janssen, O. Kulyk, C. Schuermann

"This is different from the Western world": Understanding Password Sharing Among Young Bangladeshis
A. B. Alam, E. Stobert, R. Biddle

Toward Identifying Home Privacy Leaks Using Augmented Reality
S. Cruz, L. Danek, S. Liu, C. Kraemer, Z. Wang, N. Feamster, D. Y. Huang, Y. Yao, J. Hester

Do Privacy Labels Answer Users' Privacy Questions?
S. Zhang, N. Sadeh

An Exploratory study of Malicious Link Posting on Social Media Applications
M. Hassan, M. Jameel, M. Bashir

Analyzing the Search Patterns and Behavior of Users When Assisting Victims of Tech-enabled Stalking
N. Ceccio, N. Gupta, M. Almansoori, R. Chatterjee

Call for Papers: Workshop on Usable Security and Privacy (USEC) 2023

The Usable Security and Privacy (USEC) Symposium 2023 serves as an international forum for research and discussion in the area of human factors in security and privacy. USEC is a symposium with proceedings.

USEC 2023 will be held in conjunction with NDSS at the Catamaran Resort Hotel & Spa in San Diego, California on Feb 27, 2023.

It is the aim of USEC to contribute to an increase of the scientific quality of research in human factors in security and privacy. To this end, we encourage replication studies to validate previous research findings. Papers in these categories should be clearly marked as such and will not be judged against regular submissions on novelty. Rather, they will be judged based on scientific quality and value to the community. We also encourage reports of faded experiments. They must highlight the lessons learned and provide recommendations on how to avoid falling into the same traps.

We invite submissions from academia, government, and industry presenting novel research on all aspects of human-centric security and privacy. We welcome a variety of research methods, including empirical research and design research.

Areas of Interest

Topics include, but are not limited to:

  • innovative security or privacy functionality and design
  • new applications of existing models or technology
  • usability evaluations of new or existing security or privacy features and lessons learned
  • security testing of new or existing usability features
  • psychological, sociological, and economic aspects of security and privacy
  • research and design methodologies for human-centric security and privacy research
  • reports of replicating previously published studies and experiments
  • reports of failed usable privacy/security studies or experiments, with the focus on the lessons learned from such experience
  • inclusive security and privacy
  • ethics in human-centric security and privacy research
  • workforce, labels, cyber-physical systems
  • usability in smart manufacturing

All submissions must clearly relate to the human aspects of security or privacy. Papers on security or privacy that do not address usability or human factors will not be considered. Like wise, papers on usability or human factors that do not address security or privacy will not be considered. The determination of whether a paper is within scope will be solely at the discretion of the program committee chairs.

For accepted papers, at least one author must attend USEC 2023 (either physically or virtually).

Submission Instructions

All submissions must be original work; authors must clearly document any overlap with previously published or simultaneously submitted papers from any of the authors. All papers should be written in English.

Format: The text must be in Times font, 10-point or larger, with 11-point or larger line spacing. Use the templates for NDSS Symposium 2023 and co-located events.

Paper length: We will review longer papers on mature/completed work in a research track, as well as shorter papers on work in progress, or work that has yet to begin, in a vision track. We aim to provide a venue for researchers at all stages of their careers and at all stages of their projects.

Research Track: The research track is intended to report on mature work that has been completed. The goal of the USEC’s research track is to disseminate results of interest to the broader usable security and privacy community. Papers must not be more than 12 pages in length using the two-column submission format, excluding bibliography and well-marked appendices. Try to scale the length of the paper according to the contributions you describe therein. Authors have the option to attach to their paper‘s supplementary appendices with study materials (e.g., survey instruments, interview guides, etc.) that would not otherwise take up valuable space within the body of the paper. Reviewers are not required to read appendices, so your paper should be self-contained without them.

Vision Track: The vision track is intended to report on work in progress or concrete ideas for work that has yet to begin. The focus in the vision track is to spark discussion with the goal to provide the authors helpful feedback, pointers to potentially related investigations, and new ideas to explore. Suitable submissions to the vision track include traditional work-in-progress pieces such as preliminary results of pre-studies, but also research proposals and position papers outlining future research. Papers must be up to 5 pages in length using the two-column format, excluding bibliography and well-marked appendices.

Anonymous submission: Reviewing will be double blind. Author names and affiliations should not appear in the paper. The authors should make a reasonable effort not to reveal their identities or institutional affiliation in the text, figures, photos, links, or other data that is contained in the paper. Authors’ prior work should be preferably referred to in the third person; if this is not feasible, the references should be blinded. Submissions that violate these requirements will be rejected without review. The list of authors cannot be changed after the acceptance decision is made unless approved by the Program s.

Conflict of interest: Authors and Program Committee members are required to indicate any conflict of interest and its nature. Advisors and those that they are advising, as well as authors and PC members with an institutional relationship are considered to share a conflict of interest. Professional collaborations (irrespective of whether they resulted in publication or funding) that occurred in the past 2 years and close personal relationships equally constitute a conflict of interest. PC members, including chairs, that have a conflict of interest with a paper, will be entirely excluded from the evaluation of that paper.

Submissions must be processed through EasyChair at USEC23 page.

Program Chairs

Jacob Abbott, Indiana University

Yixin Zou, University of Michigan / Max Planck Institute for Security and Privacy

Contact the Program Chairs at usec23-chair@easychair.org.

Program Committee

Ruba Abu-Salma, King's College London

Mamtaj Akter, Vanderbilt University

Yusuf Albayram, Central Connecticut State University

Hala Assal, Carleton University

Karla Badillo-Urquiola, University of Notre Dame

L Jean Camp, Indiana University

Sanchari Das, University of Denver

Jayati Dev, Comcast

Yunhe Feng, University of North Texas

Nina Gerber, Technical University of Darmstadt

Hana Habib, Carnegie Mellon University

Weijia He, Dartmouth College

Danny Yuxing Huang, New York University

Adam Jenkins, University of Edinburgh

Haojian Jin, UC San Diego

Mohammad Maifi Hasan Khan, University of Connecticut

Agnieszka Kitkowska, Karlstad University

Oksana Kuluk, IT University of Copenhagen

Philipp Markert, Ruhr University Bochum

Florian Mathis, University of Glasgow

Imani N. S. Munyaka, UC San Diego

Kentrell Owens, University of Washington

Ruth Shillair, Michigan State University

Lucy Simko, The George Washington University

Sid Stamm, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology

Emily Tseng, Cornell Tech

Daricia Wilkinson, Microsoft Research

Donald Williamson, Ohio State University

Yaxing Yao, University of Maryland, Baltimore County

Shikun Aerin Zhang, Carnegie Mellon University

Important Dates

  • Submission Deadline: November 18, 2022
  • Reviews Due: December 16, 2022
  • Notification of Acceptance: December 20, 2022
  • Camera Ready: January 27, 2023